Corso Magenta, member of the FibreGY project

We are happy to announce that FibreGY project, in which Corso Magenta is participating, is now launched.
The project funded by the European Union program Horizon 2020 and overseen by CIMNE (international center for numerical methods in engineering), has the overall objective of enabling the use of FIBER-based improved hardware solutions (FRP) in next generation structures of large offshore wind and tidal power platforms.
FIBREGY is synonymous with development, engineering, production and lifecycle management of FIBER-based material solutions, and project’s motto is “composites for a sustainable environment”.
Corso Magenta’s contribution to this project?
Thanks to its Fast Composite finishes solution, Corso Magenta is participating in the development:
1 – a paint application solution at the bottom of the mold
2 – reversible adhesives
To learn more about the progress of project, visit the FibreGY website and join us on LinkedIn!
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22-24, rue Lavoisier, Bâtiment A
92000 Nanterre