AERONAUTICS, MARITIME & DEFENSE professionals, Quickly repair local paint impacts on your assets and maximize their operating time.

Air Journal writes about CorsoPatch Aircraft

Air Journal writes about CorsoPatch Aircraft

On December 12, 2021, Air Journal wrote an article about CorsoPatch Aircraft: our fast paint repair solution for aircraft.

[Quote from the article] Looking forward to the approval of EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and for future marketing, Corso Magenta is currently doing flight tests on 7 aircraft operated by 4 airlines, including Air Corsica and EasyJet on A320 airbus.

To read the full article, click here!
Many thanks to Serge Fabi for writing this article.

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The joural of aviation talks about CorsoPatch Aircraft and our recent flight tests

JAV talks about our flight tests

JAV talks about our flight tests

In an article published on Thursday, December 3, 2021, JAV (Journal de l’Aviation) spoke about our aircraft repair solution as well as our recent flight tests.

[Quote from the article] The French company Corso Magenta was present at the last Dubai Airshow to present its fast paint repair solution for aircraft. Called CorsoPatch Aircraft, this solution has been tested in flight since this summer on 7 aircraft operated by 4 airlines, including Air Corsica and EasyJet on A320 airbus.

To read the full article, click here!
Thanks to JAV and to Romain Guillot for writing this article.

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With our solution make fast paint repair and quick MRO maintenance

Corso Magenta appears in Aero Moning

Corso Magenta appears in Aero Morning

On Wednesday, December 2, 2021, online media Aero Morning wrote an article about Corso Magenta and CorsoPatch Aircraft.

Developed with DGA and DMAé, our rapid paint repair solution makes it possible to bring more efficiency to MRO activities!

To read the full article, click here!
Many thanks to Nadia Didelot for writing this article.

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We creat a special RFID solution for Monoprix

Deployment of CorsoShield reading cabin for Monoprix

Deployment of CorsoShield reading cabin for Monoprix

In order to optimize its goods in and goods out  inventory management and obtain reliable inventories by eliminating cross-reading, Monoprix had plans, particularly for its textile range, to create RFID shielded areas in its warehouses.
Our client therefore needed a solution that was simple and quick to use, and which was adapted to the configuration of its spaces.

CorsoShield: an adapted solution
Thanks to the products in our CorsoShield range, we have designed a solution adapted to Monoprix’s needs.
For this, we have designed a tailor-made space combining our CorsoShield Wall and Fabrics products, operating as a reading cabin, allowing reliable reading in a designated space shielding external RFID waves.

Beyond meeting all of Monoprix’s needs, our solution includes many other advantages, because it…

  • Does not require any adjustment or connection
  • Is 100% reliable, totally eliminates cross reading for stock and inventory management
  • Is durable, robust and easy and quick to clean

And today ?
After several months of use in a real situation, the customer told us “that the results exceeded their expectations”, that it was easy to use, fast and perfectly reliable.
Consequently, they plann to deploy this solution soon in 3 other warehouses.

Interested in this solution? Contact us!
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In 2021, we creat a special solution for monoprix, a retail leader
Thanks to our solution, manage your stocks quickly

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Innovation for paint aircraft and naval A forum organized by Agnecy Innovation Defence and the army

A remarkable participation in FID for Corso Magenta

A remarkable participation in FID for Corso Magenta

Présentation de nos solutions Composites peinture et patch de reparation peinture pour les chars, navires et avions dans le cadre du forum innovation défense

Corso Magenta was present at the third edition of Forum Innovation Défense (FID) organized from November 25 to 27 by the Agence de l’innovation de défense (AID).
This eagerly awaited event brought together many players in defense.

During this event, Mr. Gwendal Huet, OEM market manager at Corso Magenta, took to the floor to present CorsoPatch: our latest paint repair solution developed in partnership with DGA and DMAé, within the framework of the Rapid project.

Thanks to Jean-Marc Tanguy for this beautiful photo.

We invite you to discover our CorsoPatch fast repair solution and to join us on LinkedIn.

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Faster and better maintenance with corspatch aircraft

Aerobuzz talks about CorsoPatch Aircraft

Aerobuzz talks about CorsoPatch Aircraft

In an article published on Friday, November 26, 2021, Aerobuzz talks about our fast paint repair solution as well as recent flight tests with Air Corsica and EasyJet.

Developed by Corso Magenta,CorsoPatch Aircraft is a fast aircraft paint repair solution brings more efficiency to MRO activities by reducing maintenance downtime by 85%!

To read the full article, click here!
Thanks to Aerobuzz and to Frédéric Marsaly for writing this article.

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Discover our fast repaire solution for paint damage on aircraft. A solution created in collaboration with french army and DGA

Corso Magenta's participation in the Dubai Airshow

Corso Magenta's participation in the Dubai Airshow

Fast respair solution for aircraft

From November 14 to 18, 2021, Corso Magenta participated in the Dubai Airshow, the legendary show organized by Tarsus F&E LLC Middle East at the DWC, at the Dubai Airshow site.

Over the four days, we presented our fast paint repair solution: CorsoPatch Aircraft, dedicated to improving the efficiency of aircraft maintenance.
Thank you for visiting us at the Île-de-France stand.

Visit the Dubai Airshow website now to relive the show!

We invite you to discover our CorsoPatch fast repair solution and to join us on LinkedIn.

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Patch for paint reparation and MRO maintenance faster and easyer. floght test on airbus 320 and boeing B747

Flight test with EasyJet

Flight test with EasyJet

AERONAUTICS, MARITIME & DEFENSE professionals, Quickly repair local paint impacts on your assets and maximize their operating time.

To validate CorsoPatch Aircraft‘s conformity, Corso Magenta is currently carrying out flight tests on 7 aircraft with 4 renowned airlines.
Tests went over 1 000 flight hours, before aircraft being completely repainted.

Today, we are delighted to announce that flight tests with EasyJet have started successfully this summer!
To prove the effectiveness of our solution, a few months ago we put several patches on two EasyJet A320’s.

To learn more about the progress of project, join us on LinkedIn!

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At MRO europe we presented our solution for fast paint repair on aircraft and faster MRO mainteance

MRO Europe: a successful participation for Corso Magenta

MRO Europe: a successful participation

Fast paint repaire created with DGA and french air army

It’s with great pleasure that Corso Magenta participated in MRO Europe 2021.

The 2021 edition, organized by Aviation Week Network, took place exceptionally on October 20 and 21 in the Netherlands on RAI Amsterdam site. 

At this meeting, we presented CorsoPatch Aircraft, our rapid paint repair solution to improve efficiency of aircraft maintenance.
The show was also an opportunity for us to meet many players in the aeronautics sector as well as some of our partners such as EasyJet, KLM or Air France.

We invite you to discover our CorsoPatch fast repair solution and to join us on LinkedIn.

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Faster MRO maintenance thanks to CorsoPatch Aircraft our fast paint repair solution for aircraft

Corso Magenta participated in the 17th edition of FED

Corso Magenta participated in the 17th edition of FED

Corso Magenta participated on the Forum entreprise défense forum and present its fast paint repair solution for paint damage on aircraft

It’s with honor that Corso Magenta participated, on October 13 and 14, 2021, in the 17th edition of Forum Entreprise Défense.

This event eagerly awaited by French defense players, took place in Versailles, on the SIMMT site.

On the occasion of this forum organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Paris Ile-de-France region and GICAT, Corso Magenta had the opportunity to present:

  • CorsoPatch: our fast paint repair solution developed in partnership with DGA (Directorate General for Armament).
  • And CorsoComposite: our functionalizable paint film technology for composite manufacturing.

To follow all news of Corso Magenta, go to LinkedIn!

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